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Hidden Early Signs For Stroke - Save Your Life

You should know the hidden early signs for stroke that will save your life in the future. Stroke is at number 5 in the USA among different causes of death and causing a lifetime disability. Thus, it is most necessary to know about the symptoms of this vascular disorder in order to prevent its fatal consequences regarding life.

Hidden Early Signs For Stroke
Hidden Early Signs For Stroke - Save Your Life

Main Causes of Strokes:

There are several causes of this order such as blockage of blood vessels due to plaques, lower elasticity in walls of the blood vessels, etc. But the prime factor that is responsible for this order is age. Usually, it is most common in people having age more than 55 except in some rare cases. 

Before elaborating about the early symptoms of a stroke first we should know that 

What is a stroke actually?

A stoke is defined as the bursting of any blood vessel either due to blockage or hardness of tissues in the walls of the blood vessel. As blood vessels are pipes for circulating blood throughout the body and possessing digested food nutrients as well as oxygen too. 

Role of Oxygen:

Oxygen is compulsory for the production of energy by each body cell through a process called aerobic respiration. And if an artery blocks or bursts then due to lack of oxygen that affected body part would be unable to produce energy and hence infected cells either of brain or heart would start dying due to hypoxic environment.

What is TIA?

A transient ischemic attack (TIA) occurs just for a brief period of time when a blood vessel only blocks and not bursts. These are mild strokes of warning that usually hint about a major dangerous stroke in near future. 

The symptoms of all kinds of strokes are almost the same except it lasts for several minutes. So, it is compulsory that everybody must know about the symptoms of a stroke.

Common Hidden Early Signs For Stroke

Read these warning early signs for stroke these signs will help you to save your and your beloved lives.

A severe sudden headache without any reason is one of the hidden early signs for stroke.

You could not easily understand things and mostly feel confused during a stroke.

It is difficult to walk or even stand during a stroke due to an imbalance of the body and also feel dizziness. This symptom is one of the hidden early signs for stroke happening in the future.

You also experience vision problems and in some cases when a stroke is intense then you maybe lose your vision for a brief period of time.

You feel weakness in different parts of only one side of the body such as your arm, leg, or face. If the stroke is on the left side of the brain then the symptoms appear on the right side of the body.

In addition to these above-mentioned early signs for stroke, we are also sharing here a pneumonic for you that will surely help you to easily remember some symptoms of stroke quickly. And that is known as F.A.S.T.

What is F.A.S.T.?

F stands for Face drooping. You will feel that your face is drooping or numb on one side. And also when you smile it will be not normal or uneven.

A stands for Arm weakness. You will not be able to uplift your hands as well as arms. Also, you will feel weakness on only one-half side of your body.

S stands for Speech difficulty. You will experience a problem in speaking normally and also have difficulty understanding your own words.

T stands for Time for emergency help. It is emergency time for quick response and calls on emergency helpline such as 911 even if the symptoms hide or stop.

Conclusion of Hidden Early Signs For Stroke:

In the end, if you have experienced any of the above-mentioned symptoms then call immediately for help without being later to prevent any fatal damage in the future. Be safe and have a long life with prevention knowledge of early signs for stroke. 


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